Friday, October 22, 2010

"I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me."

Contemplation, reflection and prayer are the truest forms of medicine as is well attested through the ages. 

Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.

-Kahlil Gibran

"we are all like sand particles on a beach, there are billions of us. The tourists come and step all over us, some of us at different times. all we need is time to let the foot roll off us. This is one of the best spiritual tips which contains 2 virtues, patience as the head of the virtues for with patience follows all of the virtues and understanding of Christ's love, mercy and compassion."

Bishop Joseph's Quote of the Day:
We do not always see things the way they really are, especially in our own lives. Only when we look back after many years do we see the joys in the things we take for granted now. My beloved, I ask all of you to take the time each day to think of your blessings. Thank God for the things
 you have right now, and appreciate them.
Your Father in Christ,+ Bishop JOSEPH'

"If your truest friends are those who are willing to sacrifice in a loving manner for, let there be no need to distress lest you trap yourself in the undertow of grief and distress. Always be accessible, so that in a time of need of a true, loving friend, you will always have joy in helping and and being helped, a willingness of spirit to help to achieve good and knowing that they would feel the same. Do not submit to laziness in this or anything in life for the deeper a habit holds you begins to progress and leads to the soft life. This does not benefit anyone or anything on the face of the Earth. So see to it that you are upright, always being thoughtful of your neighbors struggles, lest you be a hypocrite in speaking vain words when you have just as many struggles to attend to at the present moment."

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